Tuesday, December 18, 2012

College of Saint Elizabeth’s New Biology Facilities Spring to Life!

A dramatic renovation demonstrates CSE’s continued commitment to science education. The sounds of hammers and other construction equipment heard throughout the summer and autumn at the College of Saint Elizabeth (CSE), 2 Convent Road, Morristown, N.J., will soon fall silent when the renovation of the biology facilities is completed. Now the College is busy getting ready for the opening new facilities to take place at a dedication ceremony on January 28, 2013. Grateful Alumna Gives Back The renovation was made possible by the largest single individual donation in the history of the College. “This project is funded 100 percent through donor support, without which we would not be able to move forward,” said Sister Francis Raftery, CSE president. “We are extremely grateful to this alumna, who was a biology major here, for making this renovation possible. The College is blessed with loyal, alumnae/i who remain dedicated to their alma mater, and this gift is another example of their commitment.” Current biology majors are eagerly waiting for the new facilities. “I am very excited for the new labs and am glad to use them before leaving the College,” says biology major Sophonie Pepe, ’13. “I believe the new labs will enhance the learning process and allow new and more efficient ways of teaching the material.” This project is designed by the RBA Group, Parsippany, N.J., and constructed by The Leegis Group, Union, N.J., who were the architects and general contractors respectively for the redesign of the College’s chemistry laboratories. Explains Jim Gerrish, CSE director of special projects, finance and administration, “We want to continue the updated and modern look and feel of Henderson Hall where the science laboratories are located. Both RBA and Leegis know the building, and they did a great job for us with the renovations of the chemistry facilities.” Supporting the CSE Mission In addition to encouraging young women to pursue careers in science with state-of-the-art facilities, CSE, which is the first and now only remaining women’s college in New Jersey, will be promoting its mission to these young scientists. Says Dr. Lillian Fugler-Domenico, “The biology department focuses on the CSE mission to foster social responsibility in our students. We educate them to go back into the community to make an impact on society. We want them to become young scientists and have a major role in this world.” Sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station, N. J., the College of Saint Elizabeth enrolls more than 2,100 full- and part-time students in more than 25 undergraduate, 10 graduate and one doctoral degree programs. For information on other activities or programs, visit the College of Saint Elizabeth web site at www.cse.edu.